Abroad, in particular in Germany and in the United States, Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis are considered to be genuine alternative therapies to traditional physical therapy. They are often practiced by physical therapists.
Recommended by doctors and osteopaths who know the practice, Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis are sports preparation methods based on global postural re-education. They respect the body’s biomechanics in movement and its natural breathing.
They also offer a new muscular hygiene for a sustainable result at any age.
They will organically muscle and stretch each ligament, tendon, and muscle. They will also loosen and soften each joint, stimulating the body’s natural reflexes, stimulating the nervous system and considerably improving blood and lymphatic circulation.
They are highly recommended for people with injuries and muscular and joint pain, for pregnant women, senior citizens, as well as children and growing teens.
Both Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis rebalance and redynamize everyone’s global potential. Discover methods to correct your posture among the other benefits of the Gyrotonic method.
To find the right bearings and breathing and continue to work at home without equipment..
To be carried by the equipment and to dynamize and make the most out of Gyrokinesis techniques.
We recommend you consult your doctor and physical therapist before coming to the studio. We would then be happy to work with you under the guidance of your specialist.
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Niveau 1 – Programme sur machine Pulley Tower
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GYROTONIC® TRAINING Level 1 – Pulley Tower machine program